Peregrine Farm News Vol. 15 #10, 4/25/18

What’s been going on!

Bam! And it’s green, even on a gray day the intensity of the new leaves is staggering.  A long damp period but it looks like it will finally turn starting Saturday for a beautiful week to come.  Sometimes it is difficult to find enough work to keep the staff busy at times like this but not this week.

Two big projects that actually benefit from cloudy conditions happen this week.  The first was the culmination of a week of activities, the big tomato planting.  It starts with covering the Big Tops and the final soil preparation, then running out the drip lines and covering the beds with landscape fabric.  144 metal T-posts are then driven and the fence trellis is hung to support the plants as they grow.  All that happened last week but we waited until the really cold weather passed to plant.  Monday was a perfect day with overcast but warm conditions and no wind means no stress on the plants as they get used to their new home.

There is always the weekly seeding in the greenhouse to do but the real job this week is moving the 3000 pepper seedlings up into bigger containers for their last month before going into the field.  We start so many seeds that space in the germination box is at a premium so we start them in tiny cells and then move the best looking ones up.  Again a cloudy day is perfect to help them overcome the stress of being pulled out of one container and tucked into another.  Don’t get me wrong, we will be happy to see the sun return but sometimes it’s okay to be cloudy.

Pictures of the Week


Life in a Beech grove


Peas and Onions like this weather too

 What’s going to be at the market? Continue reading